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Talk Your Book: Matching Longs with Shorts

Posted December 9, 2024 by sean Today’s Talk Your Book is brought to you by Wasatch Global Investors See here for more information on the Wasatch...

Are Roth Contributions Pre-Tax Or After-Tax?

Any Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) contributions are after-tax contributions. But that does not automatically mean that a Roth account isn’t tax-advantaged. Quite the...

Frontier Airlines just cut 40 flights to places you used to go to

In June, Denver-based Frontier Airlines  (FRON)  opened a new hub and launched several new routes to the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. Competitor JetBlue Airways ...

How Big Tech Rescued the Market in 2023!

I was planning to finish my last two data updates for 2024, but decided to take a break and look at the seven stocks...



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Is International Diversification Finally Working?

International diversification has been an anchor around the necks...

Do These AIs Speak Their Own Secret Language?

In July 2022, news broke that Google (Nasdaq: GOOG)...

Why tourism in Africa is more than game drives and getaways

Across the African continent, the tourism industry fuels the...