Choosing the Right System for Your Portfolio

The legendary Greek inventor, mathematician and physicist Archimedes once said:

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

Originally referencing the magic of physics, this observation has since taken on a larger meeting.

It’s become a metaphor for how the prepared mind can achieve a seemingly impossible goal, provided you have the right tools, and you know how to use them.

From performing open-heart surgery to piloting a cross-country flight, all the modern miracles we now take for granted are a result of this simple, ancient formula.

And nowhere is this old saying truer than in the world of Systematic Investing…

For most of our lives, investing systems have seemed like the province of the expert.

This is especially true of the last decade-and-a-half — with endless reports of Wall Street recruiting an army of coders and mathematicians to build out the advanced trading systems (“quants”) that now dominate short-term trading.

We see so many headlines about quants and algorithmic traders, you’d be forgiven for thinking there’s no use in trying to keep up.

But in reality, investors like us now have a greater technological advantage than ever before. And if you choose the right system to meet your goals — then the sky is truly the limit.

Here, I’ll show you what I mean…

Building Your Portfolio Around a Strong, Systematic Foundation

I’ve been working with investing systems throughout my career, and the vast majority of these different systems all had one nearly-fatal flaw:


There’s simply no way around it. Most systems were designed by professionals for professionals. These systems come with an assumption that you’ll have plenty of time for endless tweaking and back-testing to optimize your returns.

That simply isn’t a reality for most of the investors I work with. Most of my readers would rather spend their free time traveling, playing a round of golf, or making memories with their family.

The key to success with any system is consistent application. If it’s not a system you can stick to, then it’s not a system that will deliver predictable results … simple as that.

That’s why I built my core Green Zone Power Ratings system around that one key feature; accessibility.

I set out to build the type of system that anyone — even my 95-year-old grandmother — could use to guide their investments.

So instead of having to parse through 75 different factors in six key categories (including both technical and fundamental research), all you have to do is look up a ticker symbol to get a score from 0 (worst) to 100 (best):

Example Green Zone Power Rating for Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA)

The score is even further simplified into bullish, bearish, or neutral (as is the case for Tesla).

As a result, you can essentially “shortcut” long hours of stock research and get a simple signal to show whether a stock is even worth considering.

And if that was all you did, using Green Zone Power Ratings to guide all your investing, my studies show that you’d beat the S&P 500 by 3-to-1.

Believe it or not, beating the market by that kind of margin is relatively conservative for a system (as you’ll see in a moment).

The Green Zone Power Ratings system is exclusively available via the Money & Markets website to subscribers of Green Zone Fortunes, my newsletter where I highlight and recommend one of the market’s top-rated stocks each month.

Aiming Higher … for 10X Gains

What happens when we push our investing system even further?

What are the highest possible gains we can target using only equity (aka stocks)? No options, crypto, NFTs or other dodgy investments?

The answer to that question is 10X Stocks

10X Stocks uses a streamlined version of my Green Zone Power Ratings System. Except instead of being optimized for accessibility, it’s built to target massive, 10X gains within a one to five year timeline. If Green Zone Fortunes is a reliable family automobile, then 10X Stocks is a Formula One car.

I realize it’s easy to get skeptical at the mere thought of it. Exclusively targeting 10X Stocks? It sounds ambitious to say the least.

Just like driving a Formula One car, this kind of 10X investing takes a little more willpower. Smaller stocks are more volatile, so they’re more prone to sharp up-and-down price swings.

To account for this, I always recommend selling the first half of a position as it crosses the first 100% gain threshold.

So when one of your 10X Stocks positions grows from $10,000 to $20,000, you’ll sell off half and recover the entirety of your initial investment. From there you’re “playing with house money,” as the saying goes, so it becomes far easier to whether a few years of sharp ups and downs.

This year alone, we closed out four different positions for 100%+ gains, and we’re already on the verge of our next 1,000% gain.

Taking Systematic Investing Further Than Ever Before

As you can see, systematic investing is all about choosing the right tool for the job (and knowing how to use it) …

If you’ve got a stock portfolio that’s in need of a little updating, then Green Zone Fortunes can streamline that process — with instant ratings for each of your holdings and new recommendations to help you beat the market year in and year out, even if you’re not an active investor.

For more active and advanced investors who want to target even bigger gains, there’s 10X Stocks.

We’re investing at an earlier stage in the company’s lifecycle — which can lead to higher returns at the expense of slightly higher volatility. It’s a trade-off, but one we can manage (as we have in 2024).

It’s also possible to take this approach even further, using the same systematic approach to target top investments before they’re even available to the public — and multiplying your gains in turn. Get the full story on this breakout new system here.

To good profits,

Adam O’Dell

Chief Investment Strategist,

Money & Markets

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